Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Les Chroniques de Spiderwick" y "Pesadilla Antes de Navidad"

Date: February 5th, 2011.
Time: c. 6pm - 9:30, with a few breaks ;)
Location: My Apartment TV

Running Times: 1hr37min,  and  1hr 15mins

Total Time: c. 3hrs,
[ for watching AND looking up words.]

This time I used English subtitles so I could follow along easier.
When I watch Disney animated movies, where I know the script well, I don't need the subtitles,
but for movies I don't know so well, I do need them.


Tranquilo - Peaceful
Conflictas - Conflicts
Te conosco - Do I know you?
Desculpame - Excuse Me
Sal - Salt
Abuelo - Grandfather
Tomate - Tomato
Vida - Life
Sabemos - Know
Esperanza - Expect
Peligro - Danger
Salvo - Except
Seguro - Safe
Detesto - Hate

Talento - Talent
Antes - Before
Pequena - Little
Felizidad - Happiness
Talento - Talent
Explico - Explain
Oscuridad - Dark
Que Es? - What's this?
Dormir - Sleep
Arbol - Tree
Sueno - Dream
Calabaza - Pumpkin
Experimentos - Experiments
Cabeza - Head
Brujas - Witches
Donde Estoy? - Where am I?
Navidad - Christmas
Rapta - Kidnap
Que Se - To Be
Destinado A Ser - Meant to Be

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