Sunday, February 20, 2011

Shrek 2

Time: 6:30pm  - 8pm
Location: My Apartment
[ Usually I do all my time later in the week, 
but I'm trying to get ahead this week ;] ~

Total Time: 1hr 30 minutes

It's kind of frustrating to watch movies in Spanish, with the subtitles on as well,
because so often they don't SAY the same things as what's written.
But it really does help with my vocab, so I try to do it :]

~ I liked it how Puss in Boots was speaking SPAIN Spanish ~ 

New Vocab:
Casados- Married
Que Significa Es? - What does that mean?
Corcel - Steed
Juntos - Together
Molestas - Annoying
Lagrimas - Tears
Basta - Enough
Lindos - Cute
Encantador - Charming
Madrina - Godmother
Lejano - Distant [ Far Away]
Cachorrito - Puppy
Llegamos - We Arrive
Benedicion - Benediction
Vivimos - We Came
Afuera - Outside
Sopa - Soup
Querida - Dear
Ya - Already
Por Ti - For you
Bosque - Forest
Escogio - Choose
Empezar - Start
Finge - Pretend
Grabando - Recording
Pastillas - Pills
Ronroneo - Purr
Volviste - Came back
Botas - Boots
Encargarse - Take charge
Pelo - Hair
Claro Que No - Clearly not
Pequena de la camada - The runt of the litter
Manzana - Apple
Opina - View
Hermanastra - Stepsister
Olvid - Forgot
Odio - Hate
Trotando - Trotting
Sindicato - Labor Union
Siendes - Feel
Duda - Doubt
Lodo - Mud
Vete - Go
Culpa - Fault
Cara - Face
Matarte - Kill
Laxan - Laxative
Dijista - You said
Belleza - Beauty
Peluca - Wig
Aprobacion - Approval
Harias - Would
Llorar - to mourn
Izquierda - Left
Volvio - Returned
Enemigo - Enemy
Derechos - Rights
Fuego en el Hoyo! - Fire in the Hole!
Foso - Pit
Espuma - Foam
Harina - Flour
Panadero - Baker
Mereces - Deserve
Poni - Pony

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