Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Feet - " Pies Felices"

I watched Happy Feet with Rosela.
Not all the songs were translated to Spanish, but many of them were.

Rosela found it amusing that the smaller penguins,
who Are supposed to be Spanish in the English version of the movie,
STILL seem very Hispanic even when the whole film is in Spanish,
because of the way they talk and act and carry themselves.

"Rompiendo El Hielo" = Breaking the Ice ;]

- el hambre - hunger
- el mismo - the same
- juntos- together
- jamas - never
- despues - after
- responsables - responsible
- barca - ship
- llegado - im coming
- llegar - to come
- ito / ita - little
- indigentes - indigents
- oceanos - oceans
- las patas - legs
- penguines - penguins
- graves - serious
- contigo - with you
- cantar - to sing
- cancion - lyrics / words
- canciOn- song
- solo / sola - alone
- el mar - the sea
- comida - food
- nadador - swimmer
- asfixiar - to choke / strangle
- para bailar - to dance
- he dances - baila
- danza - a dance
- trabajar - to work
- soledad - solitude / loneliness
- pesces - fish
- confianza - trust
- hueve - egg
- pensamientos - thoughts
- insurreccion - insurrection / revolt
- complacencia - complacency
- la paz - peace
- terminado - finished
- vivir - to live
- digo - say
- sentir - to feel
- verguenza - shame
- rompe - breaks
- rocas - rocks

Total Time :  c. 1hr 30 minutes 

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