Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sleeping Beauty in Spanish

... So I tried watching " Juno" in Spanish, with the subtitles AND the spoken language as Spanish,
but they talked wayyy too fast, and it was driving me CRAZY how the subtitles didn't even come CLOSE to matching the spoken Spanish!

So I gave up, and borrowed my friend's DVD of "Sleeping Beauty."
I was thrilled to discover that, not only was the SPOKEN language Spanish,
but ALL the music was translated to Spanish, too!

I think I'll make a habit of watching more Disney movies in Spanish from now on ^_^

[This first cover is actually from the Book, but I like it cause it' in Spanish
The second one is the DVD cover that I watched.]


New Vocab:
- feliz - happy
- viva - hail / long live
- matrimonio - marriage
- esposa - spouse
- donar - to give
- dulce - sweet
- invitacion - invitation
- vaya! - well / oh no
- todos vosotros - all of you
- morir - to die
- amorio - romance
- amor - to love
- lo cielo - the sky
- flores - flowers
- nevada- snowfall
- vino - wine
- claro - clear
- vamos - lets go
- triste - sad
- montana - mountain
- los planos - the plans
- el futuro - the future
- pasado - past
- campesino/a - peasant
- feliz cumpleanos - happy birthday
- primavera - spring ( merryweather's name)
- la cabeza - head
- sueno - sleep
- escuchan - listen
- razon - reason / right / justice
- el rey - the king
- pero - but
- una corona - crown
- rojo - red
- rosa- pink
- azul - blue
- colores - color
- corazon - heart
- hermosa - beautiful
- verdad - truth
- modelo - model
- cocinar - to cook
- extrano - stranger
- horrible - horrible
- primavera - spring
- joven - young
- muchacho - guy
- eres tu - i know you
- nunca - never
- esta noche - tonight
- hijo/ hija - son/ daughter
- phillip - felipe
- el mal - evil
- limpiar- to clean

 Film = 1 hour, 12 minutes. =Looking up spellings and definitions=  c 20 minutes 
 Total = c. 1hour and 30 minutes

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